Friday, June 24, 2011


Venice was cool enough to get its own post... So here goes...

This is the Metro transit bus in Venice... super packed, smell a little funny, but totally unique...
 Our tour boat for the day...

 Buildings along the Grand Canal (kinda like Mainstreet, Venice)
 Church of the Redeemer (above)
 Glass factory store front on the Island of Murano... We went inside the workshop and actually got to see the guy make a blown glass vase and a sculpture of a dolphin.... so cool!

 This tower is on another island in the lagoon... you can't tell it from my poor photography skills but it is leaning considerably.... sinking into the marshy soil

 The Dukes Palace in Venice

 Mamma Sam doing her thing...

 The so called Golden Ceiling.... All that gold is real... plated on by one of the dukes to emphasize the wealth of the state...

 Roof top view from one of the courtrooms near the old dungeon...
 Denise and Sammy
 Water taxi..... Favorite form of transportation.... All the ones i rode in were convertibles so I got to stand up for the rides.... fun times

 Church across the canal from St. Mark's Square

 The streets of Venice.... A maze of canals, allies, and bridges... lots of bridges....

 I had been looking for a slushie for DAYS!!! and I finally found one.... 3 Euro well spent (strawberry.... yum)
 Me and Tori
 Kevina (invading my bubble), Me, and Lindsey
 Gondola ride.... to expensive so we opted on not taking one.... but we saw several dozen of them... all over the place.

First bridge built in Venice (or so i was told.... somebody might just be trying to spread their own version of history tho...)

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