Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Napoli last day and ROME!!!

We finished Napoli with a bus/walking tour.... Then flew to Rome!!!

 this was actually in Pompei... sorry lol

Tour of Napoli

Part of a nunnery in the old town...


 Cool Baroque church on the way to dinner on the first night...

 City street

City from the top of the Spanish Steps 

 Trevi Fountain... it was so BEAUTIFUL!!! and Romantic.... Made me wish I had someone to be Romantic with... In Jesus name...
Just me tho... and mi amigos taking the pic lol....

National Museum of Rome

 Emperor Augustus
 Awesome Spear Tips...
 This is the Dying Niobid.... beautiful sculpture of a mythical woman being shot in the back by an arrow.

 the Boxer

 Look at his foot!!!
 These flowers and trees are all from a garden fresco found in a villa outside Rome proper

 This is in the Musolini Forum.... we toured and had a drawingclass. I drew this soccer ball dude and the sketch actually looked like him... kinda...

 Obelisck dedicated to Mussolini and never torn down or replaced...

 Piazza di Popola where we ended our lecture on sustainable urban living...

 MMMM good eating.... shrimp pizza

 On the Spanish Steps

Awesome sunset...... with palm tree in middle...

ROME is beautiful... I highly recommend it so far... guys I'm having a blast and I miss you all so much!!

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